Thursday, December 17, 2015

We Cannot Escape It

And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?
Matthew 6:27
The millionaire has no advantage over the most wretched pauper in existence.
Medical knowledge and skill cannot extend life.  We think they can, but that is because we do not know.  These things are all determined by God, and thus even medical men are often bewildered and frustrated.  Two patients who appear to be in the same condition are given identical treatment.  One recovers; the other dies.  What is the answer?  The answer is that 'no man can add one cubit to his duration of life'.  It is a great mystery, but we cannot escape it.  Our times are in the hands of God, and do what we will, with all our food and drink, and our medical profession, and all our learning and science and skill, we cannot add a fraction to the duration of man's life.  In spite of all modern advances in knowledge, our times are still in the hands of God.  And so, our Lord argues, why all the fuss and bother, why all the excitement, why all this worry and anxiety?  Life is a gift from God.  He starts it and He determines the end of it.  He sustains it, and we are in His hands.  Therefore, when you tend to become worried and anxious, just pull yourself up at once and say, I cannot start, or continue or end life; all this is entirely in His hands.  If that greater thing is there in His control, I can leave the lesser also to Him.  You cannot extend your life even by one cubit; therefore recognize the utter futility and waste of time and energy involved in worrying about these things.  Do your work; sow, reap and gather into barns; but remember that the remainder is in the hands of God.  You may have the finest seed you can buy on the market; you may have the best plough and everything necessary in the sowing; but if God withheld the sun and the rain you would not have a crop.  God is ultimately behind it all.  Man has his place and his work, but it is God that giveth the increase.  This is what we must always remember, and it applies always and in all circumstances.

--Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Studies in the Sermon on the Mount, p.391-392
David, after he had served the purpose of God in his own generation, fell asleep and was laid with his fathers and saw corruption.
Acts 13:36